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  • Writer's pictureEllie

BOLDER Talk: Natty Moss Bond, Artist

Thoughts Become Things was held at SHAMc on October 26, 2019 as a part of the BOLDER Talk series.

This is the content that was used to promote the event:

Quite a few years ago I was flying on a plane to see family and my life was spinning out of control and I read some new age kinda self help book about positive thinking…at the time I had this awful picture of a snaggle tooth dog on my bathroom mirror with the words “Don’t forget to floss” written on it to remind myself how important self care is…and it came to me in a flash “Mirrors should have positive affirmations…everyone looks in a mirror at least once a day!!!”…I promptly went home and started cutting up wood that I had laying around to cover my windows for hurricanes.

We are doing an show featuring my mirrors and other objects made from things I find laying around. Some of my old pals will be there to help us celebrate.

Featuring Performances by Natty Moss Bond, Steve Peake, Sam Bond, Judy Tampa, Ronny Elliott, Walt Bucklin, Anne Van Atta, George Pappas, Steve Connelly

Here is a little bit about me…

I grew up in Asheville, NC and moved to St. Pete and have been here for 20 years, or so. I am a musician and an artist, a part-time shopkeeper and a housepainter. Most of my art is made out of leftovers.

The cards that I create are made out of old folders from offices, images that I cut out of magazines, old photos, old books…fabric…plastic from old printing projects, anything that I can reuse. What I don't use I try to recycle. There is a never-ending supply of raw material if you just ask for it.

I make shrines out of tin boxes...and bottle caps. I get wood from construction projects and make larger shrines. I cut up aluminum cans for raw material... I make mosaics from broken ceramic. Anything that would normally be put into a garbage heap, I try to make into something beautiful.

I am convinced that the only way to save the planet is to re-use and then recycle.

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